Solo Show
Not Landscapes
Rua General Couto de Magalhães, 439 - São João, Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil
From March 12 to April 10 of 2022
Calafia Art Store
In Not Landscapes, Celaine Refosco shows 12 oil paintings in large and medium dimensions and another 12 in small formats. These are works produced since 2020 and present a record of landscapes found around the artist’s studio, who lives in Pomerode, Santa Catarina.
The subject of the works, however, is less interesting for the artist than the contact with her own subjectivity. Celaine explains that her painting does not seek a specific narrative: “there is something more indescribable, in the realm of perception”.
While she overflows subjectivity, Celaine seems to establish a dialogue with the material's concreteness. Especially in large-format works, her concern with the composition of colors and with the movements of tension and fluidity of the elements is evident. “Perhaps my trajectory as a designer has educated my way to look at surfaces”, she comments.
In addition to the works that are part of the commercial collection of Calafia Art Store, Not Landscapes also shows a selection of studies developed for the artist production. “It will be interesting to be able to contextualize the artist's work process through these sketches”, adds Moema Bispo da Costa, one of the gallery's partners.
The physical exhibition is on display in the exhibition room at Calafia Art Store until 04/10/2022 and can also be visited in virtual reality through the Artsteps platform, available on the website www.calafia.com.br.